And you know, you could have a reversible engine with lots and lots of steps, but you could always break them down into some sequence of adiabatic and isothermal steps. 你们知道,我们可以设计一个由,很多很多个,循环步骤的热机,但是总可以把它分割成,一系列的绝热,和等温过程。
So we've got our reversible adiabatic path right. 那么我们有了这条可逆绝热路径。
As long as it's reversible, you know what the efficiency has to be, and in principle, you could break it down into a bunch of steps that you could formulate as isothermal and adiabatic. 只要这个循环过程是可逆的,你们知道效率是多少,从理论上说,可以将总过程,分解成一系列绝热,和等温的小过程。
Now, this is a reversible adiabatic path, so there's a relationship that I'm sure you'll remember. 现在是可逆绝热过程,因此这里有一个关系式,我相信你们还记得。
It follows that every reversible adiabatic process is one of constant entropy, and may be described as isentropic. 可见可逆绝热过程都是熵不变的过程,可以把这种过程叫做等熵过程。
The equation of the reversible adiabatic process of real gas 实际气体可逆绝热方程
As to the compressible tubal flow, whether or not taking into consideration the effect of reversible work and viscous dissipation correspond to adiabatic and isothermal flow respectively. 对于流动过程,是否考虑压力功及粘性耗散的作用分别对应于绝热与等温流动的情况。